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Survey about Corporate Governance in 2016

Grant Thornton's 2015 Corporate Governance survey aims to examine the way three following aspects of Corporate Governance affect companies worldwide. The Survey draws  data from nearly 2,000 interviews held with BoD Chairmen and members of the management.

  1. Corporate culture: We looked into the role of corporate culture, which, in spite of constituting  an intangible asset, still remains the cornerstone of sound governance. Moreover, we examined the role of the BoD and the Management in corporate culture growth and dissemination.
  2. Board composition: We took into account the composition of BoDs, looking into effects of the risks arising from the existence of "group thinking" in the context of BoD operation as well as the way the BoD members can enhance the growth of their companies making the best use of their diversified skills.  
  3. Strategic planning: We examined the role of strategic planning, the proper term of business plans and the potential conflicts of interest between the fees of executive members and the long-term performance of the company.