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The most valuable asset of success for a business

Starting this edition, I was thinking what would be the ideal theme for a good start. I consulted my favorite books, tried to recall excellent or interesting discussions I had with colleagues or with good friends, even made some surfing on the web seeking for a flash on my mind. But nothing. Thus, I concluded on the simple ques­tion. What would be the most valuable asset for me, for my business and for my clients in the years to come?

All the “easy” answers that heavily influenced us all due to the unbear­able bombing in business and social media, started popping up in front of me the one after the other. Leadership and Resource crisis, Internet of Things, cryptocurrencies and many others, including of course the contradicting term of Disruptive Technology.

At the office, unfortunately late after­noons together with mate colleagues, we have spent hours trying to under­stand when and under what circum­stances themes like those above would be threats that needs to be mitigated, or opportunities for investments by the business community. In fact, in these editions, we will share those discus­sions in a form of insightful positions with you all, our friends and business partners.

So, going back to the vital question of what would be the most important investment for all of us in the years to come, I stepped back for a little while and closed my eyes doing the magic move of listening to both my instinct and my experience.

Well, as the years go by, my expe­rience is telling me more and more loudly not to ever forget that every single day I live the so called “working experience” together with my network, my team and, of course, myself. On top of that, I am an active part of it, because I rely on these relationships and I influence them as well. Now, I’m sure that no matter what I have succeeded or failed in my career these three variables played a decisive role. They were always there, my unique assets in every move and step up in my professional life.

No matter the resources and techno­logical tools available any time, these assets were setting the scenery, the base for any success or fail. As far as my point of view is concerned, these assets will continue to dominate my life, in the years to come. No doubt, if I start investing in somewhere, that would be in my teams, my people, and myself.

Many books have been written on this issue. But there are some simple rules of keeping, developing and making them performing. I borrow the classifi­cation of Hill-Lineback in their excellent work in “Being the Boss”, where they define three different types of such assets: “Yourself”, “Your Network” and “Your Team”. I would add the words: “Relationship” and “Environment”.

In every use of an asset like the above mentioned, either we talk about our­selves or our network or our people, there is a relationship among these variables, which influences their impact. A specific environment with special dynamics circles these three factors and sets the scenery and the unwritten rules on how the parts and their relationship should interact.

Therefore, before anything else, think, that as in any investment, you need to hold some certain positions constant probably for your entire professional life, at the same time you have to ad­just your interim positions to fit with the timing, which in fact defines and get defined by the environment.

Well, let’s start from the obvious but always forgotten. Invest in yourself. Not occasionally, investing in you constantly with a plan and above all discipline to the extent possible is vital. Take care of your mental and sentimental balance and accept, first of all, that you are both the most im­portant asset to your intimate persons and basis for your personal success.

Accept also the obvious. Today’s successful leaders are mentally and sentimentally balanced, sensitive to the environment they live, open minded, supporters of talented people and, above all, dreamers. Job is not everything in this life and definite­ly doesn’t make leaders; likely the opposite. Therefore, think carefully what could be your answer to the question on what else is making you happy except the fact of a successful professional life. How you spend your personal time, if any. How full you feel with what you are doing or accom­plishing in and out of the working environment.

Think, if you realize in what stage is your life now, what would be your next step and to what extent you are being prepared for that change. What is the stepping stone you are standing on today, step back for a moment if needed and see where the opposite bank of the river is, adjust accordingly. Focus on your dreams, never forget them.

Listen to your body, it is the temple where you live every moment in your life. No need to be a superman or superwoman. In my professional life I have met a lot of “ideal” leaders, with a huge amount of responsibilities, travelling, dinners, unlimited number of meetings and at the same time with a body similar to the one of Cristiano Ronaldo.

The real leader is a human being, with a limited capacity and passions as everybody else. In fact, what it differentiates him/her is the ability to analyze and combine facts faster and more accurate than others, the instinct to feel the environment, the ability to set goals that no one else had before, and, of course, the skill to lead by example.

On a personal basis, the real leaders take care of themselves in the way they take care of their people because they know the importance of being in good physical, mental and sentimental condition. So, to my experience do ex­ercise two or three times per week, eat consciously, quit smoking, sleep well, do your health check-ups regularly, find a hobby, find time for your per­sonal life and some quality moments with your people; and don’t ever, ever stop reading and learning. And above all, accept the fact that there is a limit for any energy source on this planet, even to you.

It needs time. Therefore, be more effec­tive in meetings and ask other people to support you on. Stay focused on the important. Don’t ever forget what your role is and avoid the microman­agement, by all means. Therefore, delegate and watch. Find and hire the right people and let them work on what you have chosen them in the first place.

But, this is a theme for the next edition. Until then, take a walk to the park close by, take a deep breath, reassess, be a friend of a dog.