Having left behind the effects of the pandemic already since last year, both the Greek and the global economy seemed to recover at an impressive pace.

However, the negative developments within 2022, both at the level of geopolitical tensions and at the economic level, with the main factor being the spike in inflation and the rise in interest rates, as well as the stagnation of growth both in Europe and worldwide, form a new environment full of challenges.

In this environment, what are the current expectations of Greek entrepreneurs for the next 12 months and how do they assess the challenges?

Having as a starting point Grant Thornton's global survey, Business Pulse, which reflects the expectations of entrepreneurs, we explored the individual characteristics of these expectations in Greek companies, the challenges that arise, and how these expectations are transformed into a shift of the corporate culture towards innovation, extroversion and competitiveness.

Survey Video: Greek Business Pulse 2023 (GR)

In recent years, both at European and global level, the business optimism index remains at particularly low levels, either due to the effects of the pandemic, or later due to geopolitical developments and their impact on the main economic conditions.

In 2023, although there appeared to be some signs of recovery, the conditions created by the crisis in the Middle East, the persistence of inflationary pressures and high interest rates, are expected to have a negative effect on this trend.

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"Despite the past expectations for Greek businesses, continued inflationary pressures, high borrowing costs and the current geopolitical crises are still affecting their investment intentions. It is important, however, that companies are not distracted by the ever-changing conditions, but instead, realize how crucial it is for them to invest in innovative solutions in order to strengthen their extroversion and  competitiveness."


Manolis Michalios,
Partner, Head of Assurance

Greek Business Pulse Survey 2023


Read the full report (GR) [ 2772 kb ]

Exceptional team

Manolis Michalios
Partner, Head of Assurance
Thanasis Xynas
Partner, Assurance
Dimitris Panterlis
Partner, Assurance
Athanasia Kourti
Principal, Assurance